Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! We are getting back into routine and ready to learn.
This week we will continue working on segmenting and blending words, as well as finish our writing project. Our fast words for the week are as follows: if, am, on, it, in, will, my, and, can, but.
Please continue to go over these words with your child. We will also be doing an author study on David Shannon. We will be reading several of his books. A few of them are No David!, David Goes To School, Too Many Toys and The Tooth Fairy.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Fall!  This week we are learning all kinds of new things.  In writing we are beginning to write a book about fall.  We took a nature walk to look for fall things to include in our stories.  The students had a blast and are very excited about publishing their work!  I can't wait for them to share their finished product.